Dodo Care Center

How to play ?

After being born, Dodo are actually still fragile creatures. Sure, they can take a fight, but they also need someone to care for them! And that’s your role as a Dodo caretaker.

1. Get dodos & tools

To play the game, you will need two essential elements :

- Dodos from the coindodocard collection
- Tools from the cigalepixeld collection

2. Join the Server

The Cigale Pixel Discord server is the place for all games and fun ! Join it to be able to use your NFT and earn WAX and NFTs

3. Play !

Register your wallet, and start using your tools to gather care points and find random loot on your journey.

Each season the best caretakers are rewarded with special prizes ! Earn WAX and NFTs having fun in the game !


August 2021

First NFT distribution for Dodo holders. Start of the game development

December 2021

Beginner Pack Sale - Season Alpha

Adventures - Season Beta

January 2022

March 2023

Raids & Improvements - Season Three